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I’m Alan

I’m Alan

These are some of my latest Projects.

These are some of my latest Projects.

I was a UI Designer since i was a teenager but didn’t know it at first! Let me explain, it all started when i was playing a game. I told myself “this interface is weird and unusable” (i’m talking about the Age of Mythology’s Editor). If you know AOM and created maps, you probably know what i’m talking about.

I wanted to fix the problem. I tried to modified the game so it looks as i wanted to. This was a success!. It was my first mod for a game but also my first step into UI Design. After the project was done, i uploaded it to Steam Workshop. People liked it and this made me mod some other games.

After years of game modding, I found this thing called “UI/UX Design” this was similar to what i was doing so i took the course. Once finished, i started to try making prototypes wich now that i look at them, they were awful. But those projects made me the designer i am now.

I was a UI Designer since i was a teenager but didn’t know it at first! Let me explain, it all started when i was playing a game. I told myself “this interface is weird and unusable” (i’m talking about the Age of Mythology’s Editor). If you know AOM and created maps, you probably know what i’m talking about.

I wanted to fix the problem. I tried to modified the game so it looks as i wanted to. This was a success!. It was my first mod for a game but also my first step into UI Design. After the project was done, i uploaded it to Steam Workshop. People liked it and this made me mod some other games.

After years of game modding, I found this thing called “UI/UX Design” this was similar to what i was doing so i took the course. Once finished, i started to try making prototypes wich now that i look at them, they were awful. But those projects made me the designer i am now.

Take a look at my CV!

Take a look at my CV!

Take a look at my CV!



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Spanish version

Spanish version




English version

English version

English version

From the beginning...

From the beginning...

From the beginning...


Nice to meet you


© 2024 I’m Alan.



About Me

I’m Alan


© 2024 I’m Alan.



About Me


© 2024 I’m Alan.



About Me